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[AHA2014]雌激素和维生素D补充剂在女性心血管风险一级预防中的争议——JoAnn E Manson访谈

作者:J.E.Manson 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2014/11/18 18:20:09 关键字:雌激素 维生素D 女性 心血管风险 一级预防 






  The decision about whether or not to take estrogen and menopausal hormone therapy is very complicated, but the first question is whether a woman has menopausal symptoms, such as moderate to severe hot flashes or night sweats where the quality of life benefits from hormone therapy are likely to outweigh any risk. It is also important to evaluate some of the women’s risk factors, age, time since menopause, underlying cardiovascular disease risk score, and we recommend that if a woman has a high underlying risk of cardiovascular disease, she avoids hormone therapy especially oral hormone therapy which can increase thrombosis, and either take a low dose transdermal product or perhaps a non-hormonal treatment for hot flashes and night sweats. We do have a free mobile app to help women to evaluate their own risk of cardiovascular disease along with their clinicians, so they can have shared decision making in the choice of hormonal versus non-hormonal treatments. We also recommend that they consider lifestyle modifications and behavior factors that may be helpful for their hot flashes.

  There is a lot of controversies about vitamin D and risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer. We do know vitamin D is very important for bone health, but at the present time, the jury is out in terms of whether vitamin D supplementation can lower risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer and many non-skeletal health outcomes. There are randomized trials that are in progress to test vitamin D supplementation. We are doing a vitamin D and omega-3 trial which is testing 2000 IUs a day. Over the next 2 to 3 years, some results will be available from the large randomized trials of vitamin D that are being done throughout the world.

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