Joseph S. Alpert, M.D.
Professor of Medicine, University of Arizona Health Sciences Center
Tucson, Arizona; Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Medicine
《American Journal of Medicine》杂志主编
International Circulation:
In 2008, you and your colleagues published an article on the new universal definition of myocardial infarction, which is based on troponin elevation along with ischemic symptoms, typical electrocardiogram changes, or imaging evidence of loss of viable myocardium. What is your opinion on the benefit of the new consistent universal definition?
Prof. Joseph Alpert: The new universal definition clarifies and organizes our ability to diagnose myocardial infarction. Before this document was published in 2000 and revised in 2007, different doctors and different hospitals were defining MI in many different ways. Clinical trials were also not uniform in their defintion of MI so that it was difficult to compare results from one trial to another. The universal definition means that we are now beginning to speak the same language all over the world with respect to MI. Clinicians and clinical scientists in China will be able to see how their patients differ or are the same as patients in Australia, Europe, North America, etc. when they use the universal definition. The definition has made huge strides in the last two years in that it is being widely used clinically and in many scientific trials.
International Circulation: Recent research has indicated that frailty is a clinical manifestation of cardiovascular disease, especially of heart failure. What do you think about this standpoint? How do we understand the connection between frailty and cardiovascular disease?
Prof. Joseph Alpert: The world’s population is aging rapidly. In the US, more people will become age 85 today than will be born. China too is experiencing a marked aging of its population. These individuals are often quite weak, frail, and have a variety of degenerative diseases at the end of their lives. Their care is different from that of younger patients with the same illness because of their fraility and their concomitant illnesses. They cannot tolerate medicines and/or surgery in the same way that younger patients can. Their care is a whole new and interesting field. Finally, they require a great deal of supportive care that can be very expensive for their families and for their communities. This problem will continue to increase as the population ages in coming years.
International Circulation: Regenerative medicine represents a promising perspective on therapeutic angiogenesis in patients with cardiovascular disease, including heart failure. Do you think stem cells and genetic therapies are ready for "prime time"?
Prof. Joseph Alpert: Regenerative medicine, stem cell, and progenitor cell therapy are very, very exciting new approaches to illness, but they are a long way from becoming "prime time" therapies. There are many problems to solve before they can be used on a daily basis. How permanent will these new cells be once introduced into organs? How much will these new therapies cost? How safe are they? What are the long term results and outcomes with these therapies? All of these questions must be carefully answered before these therapies are "prime time". Animal experiments are very promising in this area but we are a long way from using them in humans on a routine basis.