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[AHA2010]抗血栓治疗药物研究进展——Jeffrey Weitz教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/11/19 17:10:30 关键字:华法林 抗血栓治疗药物 氯吡格雷 他汀类药物 

  <International Circulation> :The long-term benefit of statin treatment is largely attributed to its cholesterol-lowering action and statins may be useful in hypertensive patients with high serum total cholesterol. How should we use statins in hypertensive patients?

  Dr Weitz:降胆固醇药物,即他汀类药物具有超越降胆固醇以外的作用。例如,我们在JUPITER研究中看到,在高C反应蛋白的患者中,他汀类药物可降低静脉血栓栓塞风险。我想我们应该积极采用他汀类药物治疗患者以期使LDL胆固醇降低至靶水平,且我认为在胆固醇水平接近正常但有其他危险因素的患者中也应该考虑他汀类药物的应用。

  Dr Weitz: The cholesterol lowering agents, the statins, have effects that extend beyond cholesterol lowering. For example, in the JUPITER study, we saw that statin use in patients with high levels of C-reactive protein reduced the risk of venous thromboembolism. I think we should treat patients with statins aggressively to lower the LDL cholesterol to target.  I also think that we should use statins in patients whose cholesterol is near normal, but have other risk factors for atherothrombosis.

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