Zayid Hijazi教授 美国芝加哥拉什大学医学中心
<International Circulation> : Thank you very much Dr. Hijazi for accepting this interview. My first question is about congenital heart defects. As a world-renowned interventional cardiologist, you specialize in the treatment of congenital and structural heart disease in both children and adults and have pioneered the nonsurgical repair of these defects. Could you please talk about how to deal with patient selection, procedural monitoring and follow-up of device closure for ventricular septal defects?
Prof. Hijazi: Thank you Jeremy. We are the medical college of San Francisco. So the field of congenital and structural heart disease has blossomed over the last five to ten years. A large number of children are born with congenital heart disease but an even larger number of adults acquire valvular heart disease and that’s what causes structural heart disease. Just for example in the United States there is approximately 1.2 million adults with congenital heart disease and a few million with atrial fibrillation, macular degeneration… Now this is the field to get into and this is the buzz word, “congenital and structural heart disease”. Now to come back to the second part of the question about how to deal with patients selection for ventricular septal defects. The ventricular septal defect also known as VSD, is the most common form of congenital heart disease. So thirteen percent of patients with congenital heart disease have VSD. Let me give you an example. In China alone there is at least one to two million patients with VSD. So it’s very common. So how do we decide which patients to select for closure of ventricular septal defects versus you should send them to the surgeon for open heart surgery. There are two types of ventricular septal defects. The most common type is called a perimembranous septal defect, which is a hole in the upper section of the ventricular septum. This is close to the aortic valve, close to the electrical system of the heart. The second type is the muscular type. This is far away from the aortic valve, far away from the electrical system. The first type, the perimembranous, is very close to the electrical system of the heart so if we have started evaluating a device to close such defects. Actually the success rate was very high. The problem we encountered because the electrical system is so close is a few percentage of patients, up to about four percent, developed what we call “heart block” and unfortunately, at least to me, this is not acceptable. So right now if I have a patient with perimembranous VSD my selection for them would be older children, three or four years of age, because the chance of heart block is less. Second of all, the hole needs to be a little far from the aortic valve. If they meet this criteria I can safely say to the family that I will close this hole without the fear of developing heart block or a leak in the aortic valve. For the second type, the muscular VSD, the treatment of choice is catherization because it’s better than a surgeon and it’s far from the heart’s electrical valve. So that’s how we select the patients. The results are excellent for both, muscular and perimembranous and I usually follow these patients within about one month from the procedure to make sure there’s no new complications. If the follow up within one month is good then I see them again after one year and then every one to two years for their lifetime to make sure there’s no new complication that could happen with these devices to cause complications as time goes by.
<International Circulation> : What’s the different in the treatment between the perimembranous and muscular?
Prof. Hijazi: The perimembranous is very close to the aortic valve and the muscular which is in the muscular part between the left ventricle and the right ventricle. Muscular VSD is safer to close with a device because it is farther away and doesn’t interfere with the electrical system.
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